Project Review Cycle

The TAC will review on an annual basis all projects within this lifecycle.

The purpose of the TAC Review is to gauge whether the project is still at the correct maturity stage based on the criteria for the current stage, as well as identify any concerns or feedback from the project’s TSC that the Academy Software Foundation can help address.

Projects will schedule their annual review as part of the next TAC meeting following the anniversary of the project’s acceptance. Projects should prepare a short presentation that covers the following points, which the TAC will use in its review of the project:

  • The current activity of the project, including releases, adoption, and committer/contribution growth and diversity.
  • Assessment of whether the project is fulfilling the requirements to remain at its current stage or be considered for a different stage.
  • Feedback on its experience as an Academy Software Foundation project, including benefits from being an Academy Software Foundation project and areas that the TAC and Academy Software Foundation staff can better support the project.

Projects should use the annual review template to structure their presentation.

Annual reviews require an affirmative majority vote of the TAC for the project to continue at the current stage or the appropriate number of votes outlined for each stage in this document to move to the next stage. If the TAC deems the project not meeting the current stage’s requirements, it may vote to move the project to the appropriate or Archived stage. The project may choose to move outside of Academy Software Foundation at any time.

Review Schedule

Project Current Level Initially Accepted Last Review Date Next Review Date
ASWF Language Interop ProjectWorking Group 2023-10-20 2025-06-25
Continuous Integration Working GroupWorking Group 2018-11-01 2025-05-28
Digital Production Example Library (DPEL)Graduated 2021-09-02 2025-09-17
Diversity & Inclusion Working GroupWorking Group 2020-06-11 2026-01-07
MaterialXGraduated 2021-04-21 2026-02-04
Open Review InitiativeSandbox 2022-09-07 2025-08-20
Open Shading LanguageIncubating 2020-12-11 2025-10-29
OpenAPVSandbox 2024-09-26 2025-10-15
OpenAssetIOSandbox 2022-11-01 2025-08-20
OpenColorIOGraduated 2020-04-24 2025-03-19
OpenCueGraduated 2020-04-24 2025-05-28
OpenEXRGraduated 2020-04-24 2025-04-16
OpenFXIncubating 2022-09-02 2025-06-11
OpenImageIOIncubating 2023-06-27 2025-05-14
OpenTimelineIOIncubating 2021-03-08 2025-11-12
OpenVDBGraduated 2019-01-11 2026-02-04
rawtoacesIncubating 2021-12-03 2025-02-19
RezIncubating 2022-03-08 2025-04-02
Universal Scene Description Working GroupWorking Group 2020-03-04 2025-04-30
Zero Trust Working GroupWorking Group 2024-04-03 2025-10-29