
Per the Directed Fund Charter, the role of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is to facilitate communication and collaboration among the Technical Projects. The TAC will be responsible for:

  • Coordinating collaboration among Technical Projects, including development of an overall technical vision for the community;
  • Making recommendations to the Budget Committee of resource priorities for Technical Projects;
  • Electing annually a chairperson to preside over meetings, set the agenda for meetings, ensure meeting minutes are taken and who will also serve on the Governing Board as the TAC’s representative (the “TAC Representative”);
  • Creating, maintaining and amending project lifecycle procedures and processes, subject to the approval of the Governing Board; and
  • Such other matters related to the technical role of the TAC as may be communicated to the TAC by the Governing Board.

TAC Members

All members of the broad Academy Software Foundation community are welcome to participate in TAC activities, such as meetings or online discussion. For voting matters such as project inclusion or graduation, TAC members are composed of:

  • One representative appointed by each Premier Member;
  • One representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a technical steering committee) of each TAC Project; and
  • Up to three experts from the broader motion picture industry (who serve for one-year terms)

Current TAC Members are:

Representative Appointed By Role Organization
Brian Cipriano Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Google LLC
Cory Omand Premier Member Representative Voting Rep The Walt Disney Studios
Eric Enderton Premier Member Representative Voting Rep NVIDIA Corporation
Eric Reinecke Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Netflix, Inc.
Erik Niemeyer Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Intel Corporation
Gordon Bradley Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Autodesk
Greg Denton Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Microsoft Corporation
Jean-Michel Dignard Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Epic Games, Inc
Kimball Thurston Premier Member Representative Chairperson - Voting Rep Wētā FX Limited
Larry Gritz Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Sony Pictures Imageworks
Matthew Low Premier Member Representative Voting Rep DreamWorks Animation
Michael Min Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Adobe Inc.
Michael B. Johnson Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Apple Inc.
Milind Damle Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Ross Dickson Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Scott Dyer Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Youngkwon Lim Premier Member Representative Voting Rep Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
Carol Payne OpenColorIO RepresentativeDiversity & Inclusion Working Group Representative Voting Rep Individual - No Account
Cary Phillips OpenEXR Representative Voting Rep Industrial Light & Magic
Chris Kulla Open Shading Language Representative Voting Rep Epic Games, Inc
Diego Tavares Da Silva OpenCue Representative Voting Rep Sony Pictures Imageworks
Jonathan Stone MaterialX Representative Voting Rep Lucasfilm
Ken Museth OpenVDB Representative Voting Rep NVIDIA Corporation
Jean-Francois Panisset Industry Representatives Voting Rep Visual Effects Society

Technical Projects

Technical Projects are approved by TAC Members per the project lifecycle guidelines. You can learn more about hosting projects at Academy Software Foundation and how to propose a project for inclusion as an Academy Software Foundation Technical Project here.

Each of the Academy Software Foundation projects are open to participation by anyone subject to the governance each project has adopted. If you are looking for a way to contribute to a project, many Academy Software Foundation projects maintain a list of issues that are suited for first-time contributors on CLOTributor.

Working groups may be formed by the TAC to focus on specific areas of technical interest or need within Academy Software Foundation. They report to the TAC which remains responsible for any formal decisions or voting matters.

Below are the projects and working groups supported by the TAC, listed by project stage

Academy Software Foundation Landscape

There are many more related open source projects than what is hosted at Academy Software Foundation; check out the list and add any we are missing at the Academy Software Foundation Landscape

Academy Software Foundation Landscape